Road Smart

Pedestrian Improvements

Improving sidewalks and completing multipurpose trails increases accessibility and promotes a healthy lifestyle by offering a safe route for pedestrians. Many MDOT projects also incorporate improvements that make sidewalks accessible in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Photo: Highland Colony Parkway Multi-Use Path Ribbon….
The Highland Colony Parkway Multi-Use Trail in Madison County improves the safety and mobility of pedestrians and bicyclists in an area that has seen an increase in economic growth.

Photo: Brookhaven LPA Brookway
The Brookway Boulevard Project in Brookhaven not only included milling and overlay work on the road, but added an ADA-accessible sidewalk to make this thoroughfare a walkable and bikeable part of the city.

Photo: Meridian SRTS Bridge
This Safe Routes to Schools project gives students, including those with disabilities, local access to many schools in the area and a safe and healthy alternative transportation method.